Learn Languages Better: Optimize Your Practice Routine

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Have you ever forgotten a word mid-conversation? It happens to the best of us! When you find yourself struggling to remember certain phrases or concepts in your non-native language, embrace it as an opportunity to reassess and refine your practice routine.

With small changes, you can optimize your practice routine to ensure that you can better recall both new and old material. Rosetta Stone’s Dynamic Learning approach already sets you up for success through intuitive learning, and building positive, consistent habits can accelerate learning even further.

Remember: Any opportunity to expose yourself to a new language can boost your learning! But to make the most out of your time, we’ve compiled a list of guidelines to ensure your practice is as effective and efficient as possible.

Be consistent

Even if you don’t have a detailed game plan, you probably have a language learning milestone in mind. It might help to think of that milestone as a final exam (though we’re sure it’s something much more fun, like a trip to Japan or a surprise conversation with your grandparents in their native language).

For some final exams, you might be able to get away with a frantic study session the night before. But with language, consistent practice pays off—it’s essential to remembering language and retaining a strong grasp of the fundamentals. Rosetta Stone’s Your Plan makes it easy to reach important milestones while learning at a pace that fits your goals.

We also recommend scheduling three to five practice sessions each week to work on building your skills. From Rosetta Stone’s core lessons to chatting with a native speaker, we’ll explore the variety of ways you can practice in the sections below.

Build practice into your existing routine

Balancing language learning on a busy schedule is easier than you think—and won’t require you to clear your schedule! Practice sessions can be short and can easily fit into your existing routine, whether that’s during your commute or a quick brain break between classes. Even just ten minutes of practice a day can boost your learning significantly.

If exercise is part of your routine, that can be an especially effective opportunity for language learning. Physical activity is proven to enhance your focus and learning abilities. Try listening to a foreign language podcast during your next workout!

Rosetta Stone’s mobile app also makes it easy for you to learn on the go. Work through new material with Core Lessons (5-10 minutes each) or try an Extended Learning feature like Stories or Phrasebook for hands-free practice.

Give yourself a variety of learning options

There’s no reason to be bored! Language learning opportunities can be found almost anywhere. Here are just a few examples of how you can stay engaged in practice:

  • Watch an episode of a foreign TV show
  • Stay up-to-date on news through foreign language outlets
  • Read a book (kids’ books are perfect for beginner learners!)
  • Listen to a podcast while you make dinner
  • Make a game of it with a language learning buddy—pick a word and play 20 questions in another language
  • Join a study group or local meetup with native speakers

While structured learning is important for reinforcing new material, there’s no need to limit yourself to solo studying. Language is an opportunity to connect and have fun—even a simple conversation about the weather can be a meaningful learning experience!

Immerse yourself

The activities above are not only helpful in boosting your interest, but they’re also deeply immersive. Instead of relying on memorization, they require you to engage with language in an active and more intuitive way. Because immersion taps into our natural language learning abilities, it is often considered the best way to learn a language.

Incorporating immersion opportunities into your daily practice routine not only make your practice sessions more effective, but can also help you reach your long term goals faster. Rosetta Stone’s Dynamic Learning method offers natural immersion opportunities for learners, and we encourage users to build on that momentum with real-world experiences of their own.

Just start!

It’s normal to have days where you don’t feel motivated to practice. That’s why building positive practice habits is so important—it’ll help you climb the proverbial mountain on the days when you’re not in the mood. Or, it’ll give you the freedom to take the day off! It’s up to you.

For lackluster days, our advice is to set the bar low. Keep things easy, and uphold the bare minimum to keep up the practice habit. You can press play on the podcast or read a single page of a book. The important thing is that you start!

Whether you’re just starting your language journey or looking to reach your next milestone, Rosetta Stone can help you reach your goals. Start today at www.rosettastone.com.

The post Learn Languages Better: Optimize Your Practice Routine appeared first on Rosetta Stone.

Source: (https://blog.rosettastone.com/learn-languages-better-optimize-your-practice-routine/)


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